IMPORTANT: Referee Background Checks

Attention: All referees must undergo background check as part of CIPP Registration
USA Rugby is expanding their background checks to include referees, with that requirement, the bulk registration EPRRS performed in years past is no longer available. Each referee MUST register individually. We will provide a credit for CIPP registration in your annual dues payments. 
Please visit USA Rugby's website and register here:
More information is available here:
  1. Introduction

    USA Rugby strives to provide a safe environment for everyone. In keeping with the standards of many sports organizations in America today, USA Rugby has implemented a policy and background screening process that helps ensure that the environment in its athletic programs at every level is as safe as possible. To this end, the organization preforms criminal background screenings on coaches, executive administrators, volunteers and referees registered to all rugby teams and referee societies. It is the position of USA Rugby that members should not be exposed to any unnecessary risk to his or her health or safety. USA Rugby encourages its members and clubs to adopt and comply with policies consistent with each state’s applicable laws relative to the detection of child abuse and persons involved in criminal offenses of a sexual or other nature or that could expose minors to a risk to their health or safety.

  2. Background Screening Policy

    In an effort to protect youth and to raise the standards of USA Rugby, every adult (18 years and older) coach, executive administrator, volunteer and referee applicant wishing to obtain approval and certification by USA Rugby for the privilege of a position (whether volunteer or paid) as coach, assistant coach, manager, executive administrator (including but not limited to individuals who decide policy or have control or authority over currency), referee, or any other person performing similar duties or having direct contact with youth members shall be required to pass a criminal background screening.

    1. The professional reporting agency (the “Agency”) determines if the individual registering as a representative of the club (the “Individual”) does not meet the USA Rugby standards for coaches, executive administrators, volunteers and referees as it relates to criminal background screening.

      USA Rugby has established the use of the following standards for coaches executive administrators, volunteers and referees using the following criteria as a guide:

      Guilty means that a person was found guilty following a trial, entered a guilty plea or entered a no contest plea accompanied by a court finding of guilty (regardless of whether there was an adjudication of guilt (conviction) or a withholding of guilt). The recommendation does not apply if the criminal charges resulted in an acquittal, Nolle Prosse, or dismissal,

      1. An individual shall be disqualified and prohibited from serving as a coach, executive administrator, volunteer or referee if the person has been found guilty of the following crimes, regardless of amount of time since the offense:

        1. Any offense against a child;
        2. Any sexual offense.
      2. An individual shall be disqualified and prohibited from serving as a coach, referee, or executive administrator if the person has been found guilty of the following crimes in the past ten (10) years:

        1. Any felony
      3. An individual shall be disqualified and prohibited from serving as a coach, referee, or executive administrator if the person has been found guilty of the following crimes in the past seven (7) years:

          1. Any misdemeanor involving violence

        (Examples include: simple assault, battery, domestic violence, hit & run, etc.)

          1. Two or more misdemeanor drug or alcohol-related crimes

        (Examples include: driving under the influence, simple drug possession, drunk and disorderly, possession of drug paraphernalia, etc.)

      4. An individual shall be disqualified and prohibited from serving as a coach or executive administrator if the person has been found guilty of the following crimes in the past five (5) years:

        1. Any misdemeanor that would be considered a potential danger to children or may indicate lack of integrity or character of an Individual

          (Examples include: child endangerment, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, providing alcohol to minors, aiding and abetting a minor to commit a violation of the law; embezzlement)

          Should any pending charges be revealed, or should any of the above charges be brought against an Individual at any time, the Individual shall immediately be suspended from serving as coach or administrator.

  3. Background Screening Procedures

    1. A written authorization form or online submission by the Individual, allows USA Rugby to order an individual criminal background check through a professional reporting agency (the “Agency”). It is the responsibility of the Individual to fully complete the process through the online registration process.
    2. Failure to provide a completed background check consent form (e.g., missing information such as social security number) will prohibit USA Rugby from completing the check, and may lead to loss of coaching privilege/registered role.
    3. USA Rugby professional staff will administer all background screening procedures. The Individual shall be responsible for transmitting the forms to the Agency via online or fax transmission. The results of the background screening reports from the Agency are compared to USA Rugby’s established criteria by the Agency. The Agency determines if the Individual meets the USA Rugby standards for coaches and administrators using the criteria listed above as a guide.
    4. USA Rugby will not have access to copies of passing records. USA Rugby staff will only have access to view the complete record in the event a disqualifying or restricted record is reported by the Agency and the Individual challenges the disqualification.
    5. Upon receipt of a disqualifying record or restricted record from the Agency, the Agency shall notify the Screened Individual that a disqualifying entry was reported on the criminal background check and present the background report and Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) letter to the Individual. (NOTE: Even though the word “credit” is in the title, USA Rugby does not use your information to conduct any checks of financial status.) Only a copy of the notification letter (excluding the record from the Agency) will be sent to the appropriate TU, LAU, Conference, SBRO or other officials.
    6. In the event the Individual feels a mistake has been reported in the criminal background check, it is the Individual’s responsibility to contact the Agency as provided for in the letter described in Section E above to resolve any issues. USA Rugby is not responsible for errors or omissions that may be reported on background checks.
    7. In the event the Individual wishes to challenge the screening decision, he/she is afforded the rights to file a grievance as indicated in section 12 of the By-Laws of USA Rugby.
    8. All information obtained in response to the criminal background check or disclosed in the review process shall be kept confidential and shall not be disclosed or discussed outside of the review process. USA Rugby shall maintain all authorizations, records, reports, correspondence and communications in a confidential manner. Concerned coaches and administrators should view the Coach Information Privacy Statement and FAQ for more information